About Us

Atlas Surface Solutions, an Atlas Injection company that was founded with a single focus, help our commercial clients address solid surface damages to concrete, asphalt and masonry caused by soil movement and general wear & tear problems. There are many companies today that provide services to correct or help prevent concrete damage caused by unsettled soil. Most of these companies specialize in one type of application or focus on a single area, pre-construction or post construction. At Atlas, we match our services that are best suited to each specific area of concern regardless of the application or size of the project. In many cases we will provide multiple services from polyurethane injections to raise concrete, partial replacement and asphalt repair on the same project to ensure. This approach ensures our clients are not overpaying for one size fits all solutions, saving both time and money.

Did your concrete Move?

When existing concrete moves, trip hazards and drainage issues can develop and, in some cases, structural integrity becomes a real problem. We provided a detailed assessment, free of charge, to help identify the root cause of the movement and provided an economical solution to correct your concrete issues. Our structural concrete lifting and leveling process is a noninvasive poly injection solution that not only brings the concrete back to grade, creates a more stable load barring soil under the existing concrete.

Budgeting and Planning

For those in the planning stages of a new commercial development or next year’s maintenance budget on existing commercial properties, give us a call, would be happy to provide detailed recommendations and budgets that can be used for future planning.

Our experience and infrastructure allow us to provide soil movement remedies for large scale infrastructure projects to small trip hazard removal for commercial property owners and managers.

Contact us today to see how we can help you, advice and estimates are always free……….